I started the life style change and bodybuilding at 6th of Marc in 2017. After one year of persistent and hard work my motivation is consistent, moreover, as i get closer to my goal, it is stronger than ever. The growth and results are keeps me ambitious and maintain my motivation, makes me balanced and happier. Before… When i look at this before-after photo, the most stunning detail for me is the body composition change, because my weight is almost …
Tag: body fat
I became 41 years old on October 5. On such occasions, I have a tendency to slow down a little bit, think back to the previous year and ask myself some questions: – Did I do my best to achieve my goal? – Did I get closer to what I dreamed of? – What obstacles did I have to overcome and what did I learn from it? – How do I continue next year, what should I change? – Do …
My weight is below 100kg again! 🙂 This hasn’t been the case for years, so I’m really happy to achieved this. Even though weight loss is not the most important factor in my case, weight loss means that my diet is effective. Based on the measurement and the mirror of course, it is also apparent that my body fat has decreased and my muscle weight is increased. Body fat, you disingenuous snake! I had no way to measure the body …
I came to another milestone, passed the fourth month. It’s a great feeling that I receive a lot of positive feedback from my immediate surroundings. Also, I’m starting to love the mirror! 🙂 Measurement Seeing the measurement results, it can be stated that some measurement inaccuracies can be calculated. When measuring your hip, waist or thigh, we may not be able to hit the same points where measured it earlier. In addition, while I trying to increase my muscle mass, …
So, this is the starting point. I have to carve a man from this “fat boy”! Not only because I hate myself when I look in the mirror or I can’t run even 1 or 2 km, but because the physician has already noted that my body fat is scouring the upper values, which effects very badly to my heart. The ultimate goal My decision is rock solid: I will lose my body fat and build muscle mass to make …
I was born in Szeged in October 5th, 1976, in the socialism, when red star and wheatear were on the arms of the country, first we were drummer-boys than pioneers, we had Moscow boulevard, our cinemas name was Freedom and Torch, one scoops of ice cream was 2 forints in the bistro, the ambulance car was a white Nysa, Trabants, Skodas, Wartburgs and Moskviches rolling on the road, and at the evening we watching Derrick or Dallas in our Black …