So, this is the starting point. I have to carve a man from this “fat boy”! Not only because I hate myself when I look in the mirror or I can’t run even 1 or 2 km, but because the physician has already noted that my body fat is scouring the upper values, which effects very badly to my heart. The ultimate goal My decision is rock solid: I will lose my body fat and build muscle mass to make …
Tag: motivation
I was born in Szeged in October 5th, 1976, in the socialism, when red star and wheatear were on the arms of the country, first we were drummer-boys than pioneers, we had Moscow boulevard, our cinemas name was Freedom and Torch, one scoops of ice cream was 2 forints in the bistro, the ambulance car was a white Nysa, Trabants, Skodas, Wartburgs and Moskviches rolling on the road, and at the evening we watching Derrick or Dallas in our Black …