Ahogy korábban a “The 70/30 rule” postomban is írtam, az első hónapom arról szólt, hogy a heti 4 edzés mellett belőjem a diétámat. A legnagyobb kihívást az okozta, hogy megfelelően színes legyen a kaja, ne csak csirkemell és rizs legyen a tányéron, de még a makrók és kcal értékek is stimmeljenek. Először arra gondoltam, hogy minden egyes kajámról írok majd egy postot, esetleg receptet, elkészítési módszert, de ez egy naív ötlet volt! Mivel minden este a konyhában állok, elkészítem az aznapi vacsit és …
Tag: bodybuilding
Első igazán kemény láb edzésemen kiderült, hogy nem is annyira erős a lábam, mint gondoltam! Emlékszem, ugyanezt a gyakorlatot ~18 évvel ezelőtt 400kg fölött teljesítettem. De sebaj, legalább világos a cél. Pláne, hogy ettől a 250kg-tól is újra kellett tanulnom a járást! 🙂
I started the training 2 weeks ago, my weight started to lift slowly. I trying to polish my diet, but at the age of 40 it’s natural that I do not react as fast as I was twenty-two. Since my diet has changed radically, it also affects my metabolism and my digestion. I wanted to speed up these processes a little bit, optimise them to the changed lifestyle, so after many reading I inserted the following supplements into my diet: …
Ever since I started my workout, I’m always thinking that how can I diversify my diet. I read a lot about meats and vegetables, I look at the values of calories and macros, and I use calorie calculators. I decided to eat beef and fish after the boring chicken. I had the salmon, tilapia and tuna on my list as well. Also I wanted to try the brussels sprout to replace the broccoli. If you want huge assortment in Szeged …
Since I can not eat that much solid healthy food as it is needed to change my lifestyle and increase my muscle mass, it needs nutrition supplements to quickly absorb protein and amino acids. I bought the following products in a ShopBuilder store in Szeged as a starter pack: GOLD STANDARD 100% WHEY Whey Protein Isolates (WPI) are the purest form of whey protein that currently exists. WPIs are costly to use, but rate among the best proteins that money …
Those who have not heard the 70/30 rule may be surprising that the efficiency of bodybuilding is 70% dependent on the food and only 30% on the workout. You can lift the heaviest weight in the gym in vain if you do not support the development of your muscles by giving the right quantity and quality of macro nutrients. There is a lot of information in the cloud, I’ve read excellent articles and studies, but they all say: there is …
So, this is the starting point. I have to carve a man from this “fat boy”! Not only because I hate myself when I look in the mirror or I can’t run even 1 or 2 km, but because the physician has already noted that my body fat is scouring the upper values, which effects very badly to my heart. The ultimate goal My decision is rock solid: I will lose my body fat and build muscle mass to make …
I was born in Szeged in October 5th, 1976, in the socialism, when red star and wheatear were on the arms of the country, first we were drummer-boys than pioneers, we had Moscow boulevard, our cinemas name was Freedom and Torch, one scoops of ice cream was 2 forints in the bistro, the ambulance car was a white Nysa, Trabants, Skodas, Wartburgs and Moskviches rolling on the road, and at the evening we watching Derrick or Dallas in our Black …